The late Rabbi Kaduri’s name is found within the Torah Code!
The late Rabbi Kaduri’s name is found hidden within the Torah Code, and what is revealed fulfills his own predictions about the coming of the Messiah!
Proverbs 25:2 – Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
“God gets glory from concealing things; kings get glory from investigating things.”
This subject cannot be approached without controversy, as much of what was written and said of the late Rabbi Yitzahk Kaduri and his predictions about the coming of the Messiah is difficult for any religious person to approach without some preconceived bias. Even though Rabbi Kaduri himself was a prominent religious figurehead in the Orthodox Jewish community, he had this to say about the coming Messiah, “Will all believe in the Messiah right away? No, in the beginning some of us will believe in him and some not. It will be easier for non-religious people to follow the Messiah than for Orthodox people.”
For those that believe the words of the late Rabbi Kaduri regarding the coming Messiah, they should begin to open their minds on the topic and accept that the possibilities may not be what they anticipate. “It is hard for many good people in society to understand the person of the Messiah. The leadership and order of a Messiah of flesh and blood is hard to accept for many in the nation.”
People may expect the Messiah to be a political ruler and speak with people face to face, so it will be tough for them to comprehend this, “As leader, the Messiah will not hold any office, but will be among the people and use the media to communicate. His reign will be pure and without personal or political desire.”
Many are expecting things from the Messiah that perhaps are outside of the listed requirements of prophecy. One such expectation is that he will be revealed by the wise Torah scholars, lo and behold this expectation may be entirely unrealistic, “The revelation of the Messiah will be fulfilled in two stages: First, he will actively confirm his position as Messiah without knowing himself that he is the Messiah. Then he will reveal himself to some Jews, not necessarily to wise Torah scholars. It can be even simple people. Only then he will reveal himself to the whole nation. ‑The people will wonder and say: ‘What, that’s the Messiah?’ Many have known his name but have not believed that he is the Messiah.”
What does all of this have to do with the Torah Code you might ask? For three thousand years, since the time when the Torah was scribed as God instructed to Moses, there has been a message that remained hidden within… until this time period.
Daniel 12:4 (Complete Jewish Bible CJB)
“But you, Dani’el, keep these words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rush here and there as knowledge increases.”
Now that our collective knowledge and technological ability has increased since that time period, and we are closer than ever to a prophesied ‘End Times’ or ‘time of the end’, it is certain that the Torah Code is a complete fulfillment of this prophetic instruction depicted in the book of Daniel.
In some very dramatic cases, extremely detailed and accurate predictions were discovered in the Code before the events occurred. Examples are; man landing on the moon, the Shoemaker/Levy – Jupiter collisions, and most famously the assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, all predicted before the events occurred in the Torah Code.
The Torah can be considered a work of genius when one begins to comprehend the extreme impossibility of faking an ELS (Equidistant Letter Sequence) in any written text which not only predicts future events, but has odds of 1 in over 10 million against random occurrence. Often the odds against random occurrence are actually much higher than this. There are also Torah Codes outlining the details about specific people that are currently living or have lived throughout recorded history. One of these people we are speaking of here is the late Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, and what was discovered by Torah Code researcher Clark Isaac may astound you.
As you can plainly see, the odds against random occurrence are 10,343,092 to 1. These results are easily verified by the repeated ELS search of this term in the book of Genesis & Exodus.
Torah Code – 1st Discovery: VOCALLY RABBI KADURI
This is the FIRST of many discoveries found ‘Rabbi Kaduri’ found within the Torah Code.
Within each verifiable Torah Code there are related words to the main search term (Vocally Rabbi Kaduri) are found within close proximity relative to the vertical depiction of the search.
Now let’s examine each term, where it occurs in the ELS relative to the search term, and how it is relatable to the search term (-Vocally Rabbi Kaduri-).
Let’s begin with the term that appears closest to the bottom of this ELS, (–MESSAGE-). Now we are aware of the many messages given through the late Rabbi Kaduri were regarding the coming Messiah. But could there have been a message given by God to the Rabbi about the Messiah?
We see the next closest term to (-MESSAGE-) is (-REBIRTH-). Could this be a message about the rebirth of the Messiah? The same Messiah that the late Rabbi revealed in a letter, the same letter that was not opened until one year after his passing from this world.
Was this part of God’s instruction to the late Rabbi? To reveal the identity of the Messiah one year after his own death and with little to no explanation? Next we see on the top right of the ELS, (-skillful-) & (-defiance-). I believe the answer to this question is becoming more obvious thanks to God and the secrets revealed in the Torah Code.
But that’s only the beginning, because if this is revealing what we presume, that a (-message-) about (-rebirth-) & the late Rabbi’s (-skillful-) (-defiance-) about revealing this, perhaps this is why we can see the term (-optional-) running right through (-vocally-).
The question is why do we see in the rest of this ELS, on the left hand side of the search term, (-audition-), (-mondial/worldwide-), and (-RA-EL-)? Could it be that this was his chance to reveal more about the coming Messiah, an (-audition-) to reveal the (-rebirth-) of the Messiah to the world before he himself knew he was the Messiah? What is the significance of (-RA-EL-)?
Rabbi Kaduri passed on from this world on January 28th, 2006. Could it really be a coincidence that there are those that claim that the event which occurred on January 28th, 2011 at the Temple Mount site in Jerusalem was the return of the Messianic spirit? This was also on the 5 year anniversary of the death of the late Rabbi Kaduri.
Now we are approaching the time when the Messiah will reveal himself to the world, according to multiple Rabbinical and Biblical prophetic revelations! Is this too a coincidence that it is coming close to the 5 year anniversary of the Address to the World of a prime Messianic candidate named (-RA-EL-)? Surely that’s for God to decide, and the Torah Code has been revealing this to us all this time.
Torah Code – 2nd Discovery: TIME EXISTENCE RABBI KADURI
This is the SECOND of many code discoveries for ‘Rabbi Kaduri’ that Clark Isaac found recently in the Torah Code. Many of us are aware that the pressure from family and peers for Rabbis to stay within the status quo can be great. The Jewish people rely upon them not to shake things up in their respective orthodoxy, this includes proclaiming Yeshua as the rightful Messiah.
Rabbi Kaduri is no exception to this, and even though it was divinely revealed to him, he asked that this message not be revealed till one year after his death:
The fear of reprisal from peers and family is obviously a powerful influence in the Jewish community. This code is a confirmation of this.
Torah Code – 3rd Discovery: Rabbi Kaduri into Bitterness
The THIRD code discovery for ‘Rabbi Kaduri’ found within the Torah Code.
A topic of bitterness and reproach among all faiths is the virgin birth, the immaculate conception of Yeshua, and the irony of it’s lack of truthfulness in the popular ‘Christian’ narrative.
Here you will see indications in the Torah Code regarding this topic, something that quite likely Rabbi Kaduri knew about.
Why did Lord Ra-El tell Rabbi Kaduri his name from 2000 years ago, instead of his new name? Because to reveal his name early, would have violated the prophecy of Revelation 19:12, but since the Torah Code & Bible Code confirms (over 1,00 times) that Yeshua is Lord Ra-El, there is no room for doubt.
Revelation 19:12
“His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.”
Could it be that this Messianic candidate fulfills every prophecy from the late Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri?
Let’s continue our own investigations, but remembering the verse from Proverbs 25:2,
“God gets glory from concealing things; kings get glory from investigating things.”