The Torah Code – The Hidden “Word of God”
What is the Torah Code and why is it prophetically significant?
For three thousand years, since the time when the Torah was scribed as HaShem instructed to Moses, there remained a message concealed within.
Daniel 12:4 (Complete Jewish Bible CJB)
“But you, Dani’el, keep these words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rush here and there as knowledge increases.”
Now that our collective knowledge and technological ability has increased since that time, and we are closer than ever to a prophesied End Times or ‘time of the end’. It is certain that the Torah Code is a complete fulfillment of this prophetic instruction depicted in the Book of Daniel.
Many people will claim that a similar (Equidistant Letter Sequence ELS) code can be found in any book with enough words, such as War & Peace or Moby Dick, which may be true in some capacity. Though the major difference between such findings, or any other work of literature which might net comparable results, is minute to say the least.
Here are two simple facts regarding the genuine “Torah Code”:
- No other ELS code can reproduce the insurmountable odds against random chance occurrence (sometimes 1 in over a Trillion) found in several Torah Code discoveries.
- No other ELS code contains relatable and relevant terms with such a close proximity to the search terms found within the most profound Torah Code discoveries. This all proves a divine purpose and intelligence at work here that we have only recently discovered. This is merely the beginning of the astounding nature that is conveyed when working in this field of research.
In some very dramatic cases, extremely detailed and accurate predictions have been discovered in the Torah Code before the events transpired. Examples include: man landing on the moon, the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Jupiter collisions, and most famously the assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, as well as several other predictions discovered before the events unfolded.

What you may not have heard of are the predictions that have been discovered more recently by Torah Code researcher and Prime Cleric of the Ecumenical Order of Christ, Cardinal Richard Ruff. These predictions include the polar vortex of December, 2013 (we call it the Glacial Chastisement) that caused a record freeze and snowfall to many parts of the world and has perpetuated in the years to follow. We are now are seeing what the ancient Sumerians referred to as Nibiru, also known as Nemesis star system or Herculobus, which was a prediction also discovered by Richard Ruff in the Torah Code before it occurred.
But the most important and world changing discovery yet, one that all other Torah Code researchers fear the results of, is the identity of the Messiah. He has been confirmed in over a thousand Torah Code discoveries, and more are being revealed every single day.
This research can verified by anyone with the ability, knowledge, and willpower, and we encourage such research to be scrutinized especially by any Torah Code scholar. But until someone steps forward to do this, the semblance of truth must be observed. The mathematical verification and prophetic significance of these discoveries cannot be overlooked.