Effects of Nibiru Wreaking Havoc On Planet Earth

Have you noticed the recent exponential activity with extreme weather patterns, volcanoes, earthquakes, geomagnetic pole shifting, and other natural disasters occurring around the world? If you haven’t you might want to start paying attention. At that point, one might then begin to question what would possibly be causing this increased change.  Some may allude to…


Nibiru Is Here!… Exactly When the Torah Code Said it Would Arrive! – 4/15/16

Nibiru is fully visible NOW – 4/15/16   Mark 13:14 – “When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong–let the reader understand–then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”   Let’s just get the bragging out of the way first… WE TOLD YOU SO!!!… AGAIN!!!!!   While…
