Prophecy Alert: Final Countdown to Midnight as Nostradamus’ Hybrid Pig Prediction Spells Doomsday

Prophecy Alert: Final Countdown to Midnight as Nostradamus’ Hybrid Pig Prediction Spells Doomsday

Could it be that the age-long statement of “when pigs can fly…” is not too far off in regards to nuclear war? Blowing up headlines is the Doomsday Clock with its suspenseful yet subtle hand movement growing closer to midnight with two and a half minutes to spare. The Armageddon Broadcast Network is here to reveal to you once again the latest breaking end-times prophecies.

Shocking Passover Blood Moon Predictions by Israeli Rabbi

A mystic rabbi living in southern Israel is urging all Jews to pray and repent as the third Blood Moon of a tetrad cycle approaches.

Rabbi Amram Vaknin, who similarly predicted the events of the Gaza flotilla and the Carmel forest fire in 2010, and Operations Pillar of Defense (2012) and Protective Edge (2014), warns that Israel is facing great judgment and potential danger at this time.