Who Awaits the Messiah Most? Muslims

Who Awaits the Messiah Most? Muslims

Jesus did not show up to defend ISIS—and the first to celebrate was a Muslim.

“The [ISIS] myth of their great battle in Dabiq is finished,” Ahmed Osman, a Free Syrian Army officer, told Reuters in October after coalition forces drove more than 1,000 extremists from the backwater Syrian city known as the Armageddon of Islamic eschatology. The jihadists had expected the Messiah to appear and bloody his lance on approaching Christian crusaders.



Earlier this month, an Israeli organization with a mission to connect Israeli Jews to God, released a dramatic video, purporting to describe what will happen in the final three hours before the arrival of the Messiah and the construction of the Third Temple.

The 30-minute video is narrated by a 31 year-old Haredi (fervently Orthodox Jewish) woman named Caroline who explained that, “I experienced a sort of out of body experience.”

End Times Expert: This Sukkot is Transition Period Before Messianic Era

End Times Expert: This Sukkot is Transition Period Before Messianic Era

While most understand the sukkah, the temporary booth Jews build on the holiday of Sukkot, to be a physical manifestation of spirituality, End Times expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston revealed in a recent interview that the sukkah is actually deeply connected to the coming of the Messianic age, helping Jews to prepare spiritually for what is to come. This Sukkot, which began last Sunday, the message is clearer than ever as the chaotic “birthpangs” of Messiah become visible to the world.

Martial Law Will Be Declared Before Elections: End-of-Days Rabbi

Martial Law Will Be Declared Before Elections: End-of-Days Rabbi

Rabbi Alon Anava, who lectures all over the world, preparing Jewish people for Moshiach (Messiah), was interviewed last week by veteran broadcaster Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio about different scenarios for how God might bring the final redemption. He spoke about what Jews and non-Jews should be doing right now to avoid the most difficult consequences.

Rabbi Anava mentioned three particularly dark scenarios. He spoke at great length about the controversial dwarf star Nibiru. If Nibiru is the scenario by which God will bring us to the final redemption, Rabbi Anava said, “Two-thirds of the world could be underwater.”

Jubilee is Counted in the Land for First Time in 2,000 Years

Jubilee is Counted in the Land for First Time in 2,000 Years

Amidst the shofar blasts, this Rosh Hashana will include a mitzvah (Biblical commandment) that hasn’t been performed by the Jews in almost 2,000 years: counting the Jubilee. It is a simple mitzvah, reciting just a few lines, but performing this mitzvah is a declaration that the prophesied return of the Jews to Israel has been fulfilled, thereby establishing a basis for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.
Unbeknownst to all but a few witnesses, as Rosh Hashana ended eleven months ago, the nascent Sanhedrin concluded months of deliberation by ruling that certain conditions had been met requiring the Nation of Israel to begin counting the Jubilee cycle. Rabbi Avraham Dov Ben Shor recited the blessing and the 49-year cycle began again.

Sounding the Horn of the Messiah From Jerusalem

Sounding the Horn of the Messiah From Jerusalem

Though it is impossible to say with absolute certainty when the Messiah will come, in an ancient synagogue in Jerusalem’s Old City, a shofar and jug of oil are patiently waiting on a high shelf for his arrival. They are replacements for the originals, supposedly rescued from the Second Temple amidst Roman destruction, which disappeared in the heat of the 1967 battle for Jerusalem. Legends and mysteries surround the simple items.
One of the landmark holy sites in Jerusalem’s Old City, the Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai Synagogue was built at the beginning of the 17th century. The synagogue is believed to stand on the location of the original study hall of Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai, a major rabbinic and scholarly figure in the Second Temple era, quoted throughout the Talmud.

River in Russia Mysteriously Turns Blood Red

River in Russia Mysteriously Turns Blood Red

Startled residents of a Russian city inside the Arctic Circle have been posting photos of a local river that has mysteriously turned blood red.

Photos published on Russian social media appear to the show the Daldykan River near the city of Norilsk flowing crimson. Russian authorities have yet to establish a reason for the river’s unusual appearance, but local people quickly linked it to a giant metals plant upstream. Russia’s Environment Ministry said it was investigating the plant as the likely cause.