The Bible has given you clues about the Divine Throne, but it’s time you learned the full story. Ezekiel tries to describe it somewhat convolutedly, involving “wheels within wheels”, but Daniel gives a much more clear description of the sun gleaming off of the wheels, making it appear to be on fire. Daniel 7:9 “As I looked, “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze.
John goes further to describes its location for us…
Revelation 4:2 And at once I was in The Spirit, and behold a throne fixed in Heaven, and upon the throne sat he;
King David tells us…
Psalm 103:19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.
But the Lord himself clarifies it all…
Isaiah 66:1 This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?
So let’s put the clues together… The Lord’s Throne is in Heaven, it incorporates “wheels”, and its position makes Earth into a “footstool”… The first picture below shows you the NASA photograph that reveals the Divine Throne, exactly as scripture describes it.
As we’ve said many times, Hollywood gives you glimpses of the hidden truth, to prepare you for what is coming, and the 2013 movie “Elysium” is one of the best examples.
The ancient people were very aware of where The Lord and the lesser gods dwelt, and those who were allowed to see it, wrote many stories of the paradise of Elysium, also known as “The White Island in the Black Sea”, because all of its inhabitants were white, and it floated in the black sea of space.
The movie “Elysium” showed this utopian paradise above, a place where bodies are “perfected”, and life is beautiful. It also showed the dystopian Earth below, after it had become “the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30). You of course noticed in the movie that almost all of Elysium’s inhabitants were “white” (The White Island), with some Asian people, and a few exceptional people from other races, while Earth was almost entirely Hispanic, with a few black people, and white criminals… This is the result of New Kingdom Epistle 1: “Determination of Nations”.
Elysium is the “Kingdom of Heaven”, but there shall be an earthly kingdom as well, as New Jerusalem will land and become the capital city of Earth… And though The Lord’s Throne is in Elysium, he will live among his subjects on Earth, in New Jerusalem. (Psalm 132:13 For the LORD has chosen Jerusalem; he has desired it for his home.).
Now you know the truth.
I don’t know if you caught Matt Damon saying “The rest of us are on Earth looking up at this beautiful pristine torus in the sky”… That was a purposeful play on words, using “torus” to signify the “Taurus” symbology of Our Lord
You all may remember the man who was shown by aliens the meteor that’s going to hit Earth… They also showed him a one world government run from an artificial island in a black sea… They showed him “Elysium”
The senior Clergy will have full access to both Elysium and New Jerusalem… The junior Clergy will live in New Jerusalem, but can come and go to Elysium with the permission of senior Clergy.
That’s only in the beginning though… Eventually all of the remaining Clergy will be granted full access to both as they are promoted.
It’s only for the most chosen, primarily the 144,000 and special guests that will be granted permission… Others of the lesser chosen will live in New Jerusalem.
Elysium was The Father’s throne away from Nibiru, but he has given it to His Son, so now you all understand what John 14:2 means.
John 14:2
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Human bodies do not handle being off of Earth very well, that’s why astronauts can’t stay in space very long without incurring damage.
Elysium is the perfect environment, but only for a “perfect body”, so most of the people who go there, don’t want to leave, and they simply transfer their spirit up to a waiting body that is immortal, and easily repaired if damaged.
Those living in New Jerusalem will get an upgrade also, but not the same as what is on Elysium. They will have one made for Earth’s environment, but they can travel by ship up to Elysium for short stays.
You should remember the lesson about the Hopi Prophecy regarding these events, well they actually show you this separation on their “Prophecy Rock”.
You see the symbol for Nibiru (Templar Cross), and humanity being split, with some being “beamed up” (represented by the squiggly line), while the rest go over the field of corn, meant to represent going to eternal labour on Earth.
The “New Zodiac” just created by the inclusion of “Ophiuchus”, pushes “Scorpio” into November (next month), and Nostradamus shows us Elysium at the top, and Christ coming in Scorpio at the bottom, just as “I, pet goat II” showed… The stuff in between I’ll let you guys figure out.
THE HARD LESSON: There is a very important lesson in the movie for the RayElites.
While most people saw Matt Damon and the raiders of Elysium as the heroes of the movie, taking Elysium away from those greedy elitists, YOU are those elitists, so you need to see the repeating historical truth in the movie that’s playing out today.
BARBARIANS AT THE GATE: History has shown us that every great society is brought low when lesser societies are envious, and willing to do whatever is necessary to take the greater society for themselves. You see it today with hoards of Mexicans illegally crossing into the United States,destroying the country’s Eurocentric culture, and greatly burdening the criminal justice system, and the social welfare system. The same is being seen throughout Europe, where African and Middle Eastern “refugees” are invading, raping the European women and children, robbing and vandalising, and demanding welfare benefits.
History teaches us over and over again that one group does everything, while another group does nothing, and resents the hard working group for their good lifestyle, and will do whatever is necessary to take it from them, but they don’t have the skills to maintain it, so they just use it up and destroy it, waiting for the hard working group to build something else great for them to take.
America had beautiful and clean cities, inhabited by the hardworking and educated upper-class, but the non-working lower-class always invaded the cities, destroying them, and forcing the hard-working upper class to flee into suburbs, where the whole cycle repeated itself.
It will never happen to Elysium, because they will never be able to get there.
The Whole Truth segment of our news network covered this in fine detail. The video link for the episode can be found below.