Sounding the Horn of the Messiah From Jerusalem

Sounding the Horn of the Messiah From Jerusalem

Though it is impossible to say with absolute certainty when the Messiah will come, in an ancient synagogue in Jerusalem’s Old City, a shofar and jug of oil are patiently waiting on a high shelf for his arrival. They are replacements for the originals, supposedly rescued from the Second Temple amidst Roman destruction, which disappeared in the heat of the 1967 battle for Jerusalem. Legends and mysteries surround the simple items.
One of the landmark holy sites in Jerusalem’s Old City, the Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai Synagogue was built at the beginning of the 17th century. The synagogue is believed to stand on the location of the original study hall of Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai, a major rabbinic and scholarly figure in the Second Temple era, quoted throughout the Talmud.


WW3 Alert: UK Ready For Nuclear Attack, NATO Positions Troops Against Russia

Russia has denied several times that it plans to start a war or invade Europe, but many are not convinced, considering the country’s recent actions in Ukraine and its massive military mobilizations.

As some officials from Moscow reiterated previously, the country plans to make sure that in order to protect interests, it could result to nuclear war; thus, countries like the United Kingdom have reportedly started preparing.

The Symphony of Illusions - Babylon - The Armageddon Broadcast Network ABN - RayEl RaEl Lord

The Symphony of Illusions Conducting Division

Begin to ponder the ultimate desired outcome for everyone in the entire world today…Would it not be a world that is peaceful and harmonious, living together as one? In order for that to happen, all must be able to be in unity and set aside foolish pride. It is clear that is not possible with the current leadership today, our world is too intertwined and deeply rooted with wickedness. Overall, man worships and places money, Earthly possessions, and himself before others more times than not.

What Does the Jewish Calendar Reveal About the Coming of the Messiah?

What Does the Jewish Calendar Reveal About the Coming of the Messiah?

A new movement marking the growing ways many Christians are moving closer to their Biblical roots is calling for Christians to switch from the Gregorian calendar to the Hebrew calendar. But though such a move could bring the two Abrahamic religions closer, it may be a source of further conflict. The current year is an expression of when the Messiah is expected to arrive, and when (or whether) he already came – questions the religions have been arguing over for millennia.

Final Foe at End-of-Days is Scourge of Anti-Israel Jews 200-Year-Old Messianic Text

Final Foe at End-of-Days is Scourge of Anti-Israel Jews: 200-Year-Old Messianic Text

According to a 200-year-old esoteric source, the final Messianic battle will be an all-out war against an unexpected threat: one from within the Nation of Israel itself. Called the erev rav, or “mixed multitude”, Israel failed to conquer this enemy in the desert and will face it again at the End of Days. Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a scholar who has studied the source in depth, identified this perennial enemy as existing today, arguing that the battle has already begun.